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Fruit Smoothie

Smoothies, a fixture of juice bars and cafes around the country, are made with fresh ingredients and taste great. But can they help you lose weight? That depends on what goes into them and how you use them, but it’s definitely possible to gradually and healthfully shed pounds with the aid of low-sugar smoothies. To make a filling smoothie that’s still relatively low in calories, start with a high-protein base. According to a research review published in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” in 2008, protein is more filling than either carbohydrates, making it a smart choice for weight loss. A 6-ounce container of nonfat, plain Greek yogurt makes a neutral base and has only 100 calories with 18 grams of protein. Soft, silken tofu will make a thicker smoothie. A generous 200-gram slice has 110 calories and nearly 10 grams of protein.



Put everything in the blender and whiz it together.

Want a green shake? Spinach and strawberries actually go very well together — just toss in a couple of handfuls of spinach.

Nutritional Information: Each serving has 11 grams effective carbohydrate, 6 grams fiber, 24 grams protein, and 429 calories.

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